Venerable Thubten Chodron

Pioneering American Buddhist teacher and founder of Sravasti Abbey, currently assisting His Holiness the Dalai Lama with The Library of Wisdom and Compassion book series.

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Politics, Power, and Peace

Is it possible to take an ethical stand on issues and disagree with people while remaining harmonious and open-hearted? Is anger ever justified for countering injustice? Are Buddhism and politics even compatible? Listen and reflect as Venerable Chodron speaks to these questions with advice as beneficial today as it was in 2020.

Is there lying? Deception? Are there conspiracy theories that are harmful to the country? Are we angry about it?”
When you watch the whole thing, two questions come up. Why is this happening? Why am I experiencing this?”
As a part of society, we do what we can to be of benefit. Remaining balanced is a prerequisite for being of benefit.”

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Venerable Chodron signs a book for a Dharma student at Tibet House Frankfurt. Working with Emotions

Cultivating emotional balance

Learning to handle our emotions instead of being under their…

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A tree with knobs that look like two eyes and a mouth. Healing Anger

Dealing with anger using mind training

When we're angry our view of the situation is an…

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Responding to Prejudice

Bodhisattva versus white supremacist

Venerable Thubten Chodron comments on the Charlottesville protest rally.

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Short Verses to Cultivate Bodhicitta

Verse 14-2: What samsara is

The samsara we're in is this very body and mind,…

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Buddhist Reasoning and Debate

The root affliction of anger

Venerable Sangye Khadro continues teaching on the first root affliction…

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The Six Perfections

Paramita of fortitude

Examples from Buddhist scriptures of the bodhisattva perfection of fortitude.

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Learn more about Buddhist books written and edited by Venerable Thubten Chodron.

Book cover of "Vajrayana and the Culmination of the Path"

Vajrayana and the Culmination of the Path

The final volume of the Library of Wisdom and Compassion by His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Vener...

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Book cover of Guided Buddhist Meditations

Guided Buddhist Meditations

This invaluable resource provides Dharma practitioners with clear explanations of the stages of t...

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Book cover of In Praise of Great Compassion

In Praise of Great Compassion

Volume 5 of The Library of Wisdom and Compassion takes us beyond our present situation and guides...

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Cover of Buddhism: One Teacher, Many Traditions

Buddhism: One Teacher, Many Traditions

This unique text maps out the convergence and divergence of the two major Buddhist movements—the ...

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Working with Anger

A variety of Buddhist methods for subduing anger, not by changing what is happening, but by worki...

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Cover of 365 Gems of Wisdom

365 Gems of Wisdom

Reflections by Venerable Thubten Chodron and other Sravasti Abbey monastics to guide us in settin...

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Book cover of Buddhism for Beginners

Buddhism for Beginners

An accessible and engaging introduction to some of the most commonly asked questions about the es...

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Book cover of Pearl of Wisdom I

Pearl of Wisdom, Book I

A compilation of prayers and practices commonly taught to people beginning to study and practice ...

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Book cover of the study guide to Approaching the Buddhist Path

Approaching the Buddhist Path: Study Guide

Approaching the Buddhist Path, Volume 1 in The Library of Wisdom and Compassion, introduces us to...

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